When you browse the Michael Kors Outlet, you can use all the same filters you would use in other collections on the Michael Kors website. That may include price, color, handbag category, handbag group and handbag size, all of which can make it easier to find the piece you’re looking for.
Outside of the Outlet, there are other ways to save money on Michael Kors items. You can check out the Last Chance section to find hundreds of deeply discounted products; it’s common to find items for up to 75% off. It’s a great way to save even more, although the options may be more limited than what’s available in the Outlet and the rest of the website.
Another great way to save is through Michael Kors Pre-Loved. It’s a resale marketplace, which means all the items are pre-owned. It gives a new home to products that are still in great shape, but their current owner isn’t interested in keeping them. You can save quite a bit of money on genuine Michael Kors products in the Pre-Loved section.
If you’re going to place an order at the Michael Kors Outlet, make sure you’re signed up for the
KORSVIP rewards program. The program is applicable to most of the company’s website, which means you can save money and earn rewards points on Outlet products, sale products and full-price products.