BAGGU was founded in 2007 in San Francisco, California, to create reusable bags that were functional, affordable and stylish. The very first BAGGU bag was modeled after the classic plastic shopping bag design and made with a lightweight ripstop nylon that can hold two to three times as much as the classic plastic bag. To date, this original design is still BAGGU’s best seller, but now you can find many different types of bags in a variety of styles and designs including fanny packs, totes, backpacks, travel bags, leather bags, wallets and more. By offering an ever-changing selection of bags in colorful, vibrant prints and patterns, modern metallics and luxe leather, BAGGU has transformed the reusable bag into a modern fashion accessory. Every BAGGU bag is designed in-house by the original creative team that’s actively growing. Cut back on destructive environmental waste and help be a solution to the problem of plastic bags by always keeping a BAGGU bag on you and saying no thanks to a plastic bag.
Holiday Pages
BAGGU Black Friday
BAGGU Cyber Monday
BAGGU Holiday Gifts
BAGGU Presidents' Day
BAGGU Memorial Day
BAGGU 4th of July
BAGGU Labor Day