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White Mar da Bahia Organic Cotton Jumpsuit, OFF-WHITE

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Take a trip to Bahia guided by Alberto Pitta and his meaningful prints. Creator of the Cortejo Afro, a legendary "bloco de carnaval", his art promotes inclusion and celebrates the Brazilian Afrodescendant culture, history, and future. And you'll dive into the waves of our new FARM Rio

White Mar da Bahia Organic Cotton Jumpsuit, OFF-WHITE

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Sold byFARM Rio
We are a group of creatives from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, that believe in the existence of happiness. More than a brand, we create enlightened cultural movements since 1997.   Holiday Pages  FARM Rio Black Friday FARM Rio Cyber Monday FARM Rio Holiday Gifts FARM Rio Presidents' Day FARM Rio Memorial Day FARM Rio 4th of July FARM Rio Labor Day

Product details

Take a trip to Bahia guided by Alberto Pitta and his meaningful prints. Creator of the Cortejo Afro, a legendary "bloco de carnaval", his art promotes inclusion and celebrates the Brazilian Afrodescendant culture, history, and future. And you'll dive into the waves of our new FARM Rio
*To qualify for a Welcome Bonus, you must be a new member and spend at least $25 before taxes on purchases that are eligible for Cash Back within ninety (90) days of becoming a member.
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