Does ThriftBooks have a rewards program?
ThriftBooks’ rewards program is called ReadingRewards. It’s free to join, and all you need to do is follow the prompts on the store’s website. You’ll earn ReadingRewards points for every dollar you spend, plus extra points by shopping through the store’s app and adding your birthday to your account. For every 500 points you earn, you’ll get a free $5 book. The more you spend throughout the year, the higher your membership level will be. As you unlock new tiers, you’ll earn more points per dollar spent, get a higher-value free book for your 500 points and have access to more sales and bonuses.
What is ThriftBooks Deals?
ThriftBooks Deals is a great way to get even better discounts on your favorite titles. Check out the Deals section on ThriftBooks’ website to see over 100,000 titles marked with the ThriftBooks Deals tag. You’ll save 5% on one book, 10% on two to four books, 15% on five to seven books and 20% on eight or more books. All books must be purchased during the same transaction. With up to 20% off, you’ll be able to save plenty of money on books for yourself or someone else.
What is the ThriftBooks Educator Benefits program?
As a
verified educator, you can earn free books through ThriftBooks’ Educator Benefits program. For every four books you buy, you’ll get a free book valued at $7 or less. It’s a great way to build up either your home library or a library for your students. Just verify your educator status with SheerID and enter the promo code at checkout. You’ll also earn ReadingRewards points on the books you buy, so you can effectively double your rewards.