Does Vitamin Shoppe have coupons?
Vitamin Shoppe offers various coupons on its products, and the promotions range from discounts to buy-one-get-one offers. You can stay up to date on offers by checking out the list of current promotions on the Vitamin Shoppe website.
Does Vitamin Shoppe have sales?
Vitamin Shoppe always offers various deals, and the promotions typically last for a few weeks. You can expect bigger sales during the holiday season, including the Midyear Sale and Black Friday.
Does Vitamin Shoppe give a military discount?
Vitamin Shoppe offers a military discount through Military Mondays, which provide former and active-duty members of the armed forces a 20% discount on their entire purchase. To get the discount, simply shop on Mondays and present your military ID at checkout.
How much is the Vitamin Shoppe employee discount?
Employees get 10% off Vitamin Shoppe–branded products. Vitamin Shoppe also offers various limited-time promotions for employees, which may include coupons and discounts that are sometimes applicable to family members.